
Never heard of the Band before but when looking nearer one
can find out that they consist of several members of Stormwitch with a
different Singer, so surely no Newcomers here. Listened to the sole album they
made, melodic, great production, maybe a bit soft for a metal-guy but very
promising. Live they really hit it home, seemed like really good guys and the
sound was much heavier than on the album, fat guitar sound and so we could
enjoy some entertaining 55 Minutes of traditional Metal whose riffs reminded a
bit on Accept and Priest and was great to listen to. Would have done without
the Ballad though which didn´t seem to fit the rest of the Songs but this is
the only thing to critizise here on a gig that was lead by Singer Tobi Hübner
with funny and nice talk between the songs and sung with a really good voice.
Very good gig from a Band that one should keep an eye on! I just find the
Bandname a bit stupid (sorry, guys…) which doesn´t do the music any justice and
might lead to think of a bad Black Metal Band instead. S & C are miles
better than that.


On 21:30 it was time to see WoS entering the Stage. Starting
with my favourite Song off the stellar „Gates of Twilight“-Album „Fall in line“
I don´t know if it was due to us having moved a bit forward but Parkers Guitar
was far more quiet than the ones of S & C which I found a bit sad.
Fortunately this changed within the following 90 minutes and also helped the
2nd guitarist (don´t have a clue who he was, we didn´t even knew they would
bring an additional guitarist with them, however this was a very good choice to
fatten the live sound). The gig clearly belonged to Leo in my oppinion, what a
voice…really has to be heard to believe. Outfit as they would play a Stadion
Concert, the voice exactly fitting, there was no singing around higher
passages, full frontal attack, hitting all the notes perfectly, insane! Parkers
Solo was also impressing and I can just repeat myself – what a hell of a
guitar-playing!!! This guy is at his early 20s!!!! The Set consisted from Songs
off the Album and EP of course (would have loved to hear „Black out the Street“
from the EP as well) and featured 2 fantastic Cover Versions of „Heaven and
Hell“ by Sabbath and „Creeping Death“ by Metallica which was never sung and
played so well before… Leo announced afterwards that this was a Song they wrote
about a year ago and laughed, genius!!! With the announcement „If you know the
name of the Band, you know the name of the Song“ it went towards the end and we
can state full of relieve and totally impressed that the Band is able to
transfer the class of the Studio onto the Stage effortless. Afterwards I was
able to exchange some words with Parker who was just winding up some cables and
I think he didn´t know what to make of us, but never mind. We can just
recommend everyone who loves High Quality Melodic Metal with fantastic Singing,
Virtuoso Guitar Playing and great Songs (which we all do, don´t we?) to listen
to the Album. This is just too good to be true. And too good to remain deeply
stucked into the Underground. Support the guys, buy their CDs, we will keep on
following them on their way (Leo and Parker are very active on Instagram and
Facebook) and do whatever we can to spread the message of this fantastic music.
